Monday, July 20, 2015


Saturday, July 18, 2015


If you believe in ‪#‎Justice‬ - tag yourself to this post!
The Show must go on - ‪#‎PoliceBrutality‬ - more evidence on excessive force!
Police Officers fired 17 shots, man hit "FIVE" times in the chest for throwing rocks!
We going hard - We Can't Breath!! Screaming Out Loud -- we want #JusticeNow!
Please, join us on Monday - July 20 @3:00pm - call in at 949-203-4761 and share your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions!
We are taking it to the "Next Level," and we want to hear from You!
Check out our source: - **As of July 17, 2015 there are 631 reported police shootings resulting in death!
Ginger Patterson & Jazz' Thomas-Jones will be your Host!
MXMGBTR - An Epic Experience in 2015!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

#PoliceBrutality in America - 2015'

Due to this news Alert - MXMGBTR will air on Monday!
MXMGBTR to hold ‪#‎TownHallMeeting‬ on ‪#‎PoliceBrutalty‬ this Monday, 7/20/2015 at 3:00pm edt!
MXMGBTR Host & Activist Jazz' Thomas-Jones & Radio Host, Musician, and Activist Ginger Patterson, is asking anyone who wants to be apart of the "Town Hall Meeting," on this coming Monday at 3:00pm, edt - to participate - please inbox either one of us!!
We have the phone number to the Sheriff Office in Waller, Texas - please let's Blast them with phone calls 979-826-8282!
Tell the Sheriff just how you feel and - Let your voices be heard across‪#‎America‬!!! ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬‪#‎JusticeNow‬
MXMGBTR - Changing the "Face of Broadcast Media," in the 21st Century!
Standing guard for the Next Generation!