Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Guns are "Totally Out of Control," in America!!!

How long will we sophisticated humans allow one another to continue to  live with the current Gun Laws:

The Stand Your Ground law, has gone on far too long!!! Any and everyone has access to Guns, even the mentally insane, they might be at your kids school, while you are at Work!  Are you Scare~~

We live in fear and danger daily - you never know when or how!  But you know there is always a possibilty - humans are obsessed with killing one another!!!......

Are you Scared!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Trouble in Small Town America.....

Today was a good day! It begin on Sunday night with the murders of two young men in a drive-by shooting, and one injured. Then, on yesterday there was another drive-by shooting in my old neighborhood - Thank God no one was injured!!! For this to be a small town in the southwest region of Georgia, it's beginning to remind me of little Vietnam (if you know what I mean).

Guns are not only killing individuals and communities - they are killing the "Soul of America"!!!

Do we need more gun control? Are is the people of America totally out of control?

Jazz' - MING 2013'