Friday, June 24, 2016

MXMGBTR - 06/23 'True Life Experiences,' Dr. Charles Clark - #CClarkInspire 06/23 by MINGXMEDIAGROUPBTR 98*9FM | Motivation Podcasts

MXMGBTR - 06/23 'True Life Experiences,' Dr. Charles Clark - #CClarkInspire 06/23 by MINGXMEDIAGROUPBTR 98*9FM | Motivation Podcasts: A show dedicated to 'True Life Experiences.' The Life & Motivation of Doctor Charles Clark, a multi-award inspirational speaker, spiritual leader, radio personality, youth leader, an advocate, an anointed man of God. Dr. Clark's vision is to restore lives #CClarkInspire all over the world through positive reinforcement, spiritual enhancement, and empowerment. He has first-hand knowledge on restoration because he, himself, has truly been restored. After losing his father following a fatal accident at the tender age of 6, Dr. Clark became involved in drugs and gang-banging trying to fill the void, even though he had a loving mother. Dr. Clark has emerge as an actor and God continues to add favor to his anointing. He indicate the ?devil had him as a puppet? and used him to do horrific things. But God's grace and mercy, transformed him and restored him while he was incarcerated for 7years.' MINGXMEDIAGROUPBTR - Keeping It Real In The Streets #KIRITS 24/7!

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