Thursday, April 23, 2015

MXMGBTR - "True Life Experiences," Warwick, GA - The Honorable Juanita Kinchen 04/23 by MINGXMEDIAGROUPBTR | Education Podcasts

MXMGBTR - "True Life Experiences," Warwick, GA - The Honorable Juanita Kinchen 04/23 by MINGXMEDIAGROUPBTR | Education Podcasts

Police Brutality on Baltimore MD case April 2015

Today, I sat and watched the news pertaining to the death of a young man in Baltimore, Md.

As I listen it appeared to me that many in a position of power lack common sense skills. It is as though we as humans are so program that we lose sight of reality, and begin to function as robots!

Yes, I said it "robots," in a society where no one thinks beyond what they have been trained to believe is the right way.

With a panel of  "like-minded," individuals you will continue to get the same response and action! If we want to change a situation that has gone on for generations, we must start at the Top!

Police Brutality does not start with cops on the beats within our communities, it starts with the brass at the Top!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Bishop Norris Allen, Sr., Rome, GA

On yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting two "Extraordinary Men's," Attorney Griggs, & Bishop Norris Allen Sr., who gave me a personal copy of his memoir - "Excuse Me!!"
I was truly astonish, and amazed that Bishop Allen autograph his memoir for MXMGBTR!
I hope one day in the near future to have Bishop Allen on the show, what a "Legacy!!!"
Bishop Allen & First Lady Allen, have been married since November 26, 1961!!
MXMGBTR - Raw & UnCut